My iTouch’s favorites Apps & Games

1an5q-2e649bcdf390924ba321bc3e44370ff8.498945ffHere I share with you my iPod touch favorites Apps & Games (for me):

Apps from App Store: Twitterrific, BeejiveIM, Facebook, Todo, Evernote, SaiSuke, ReadlleDocs, Stanza, Units, FileMagnet, FileAid, AirMouse, Backgrounds, Photoboard.

Apps from Cydia: Installous (App Store Killer), Finder, Winterboard, dTunes, MxTube, Mobile Terminal, FontSwap.

Games: RSoccer09, Penguin, Tetris, Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D, Domino Touch.

iPhone’s App Store Alternative propose a catalog of free and commercial apps (ipa files) for the iPhone (iPod touch too sure) you can download this apps directly from your iPhone with the help of the awesome Installous interface or from your desktop and load them onto iPhone with SSH and install them with Installous too, all you need is Jailbroken iPhone and Installous.